24 March 2011

Long Time no Post

Things have been kind of crazy lately -  just with work and life in general.  So, I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted!  Also, I'm still trying to get used to this whole "blogging" thing so be patient my dear friends.

Here are a few looks that have caught my eye in recent weeks and ones that I will be mimicking for sure!

I LOVE these colors together...and the differing fabric weights. Plus, great loafers.

Classic looks. Oh, and I think I'm going to dust off my old super-wide Miss Sixty jeans from my college days...

I'm diggin' the double collar action - nice clean lines. And with a little pop of color from her clutch.

Maid in a bathrobe and floral shower cap look? I kinda like it.

Thanks to the Sartorialist for these lovely images.

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